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CIC Healing I

Recommended as the next step after EnergyWork Class

Upcoming Sessions

  • 180 US dollars
  • Carson City Intuitive Center - 1800 E. William St. #202 - Upstairs


Healing is your natural ability to create change. Healing is not just curing disease in the body, but creating change and releasing dysfunction in every aspect of your life. You are giving a healing when your conversation with a worried friend makes them feel better. Healing is choosing to change the things in life that are not working. ☀️ As you develop your healing skills through this course, you will use the tools taught in our EnergyWork Class to work with a healing master, a specialized spirit guide who is an expert in spiritual healing. ☀️ With your healing master, you’ll learn how to use your healing energy for yourself and allow your master to perform the healings on others so you don’t drain away from your own energy or take the pain of others into yourself. ☀️ This Class is about activating and owning your healing abilities, and learning to work with healing masters who perform for you and others of your choosing. Discover what your own healing energy is and how to use it for yourself. ☀️ Develop the skills to heal other people without giving away your energy or taking on their problems. Understand the anatomy of the spirit and how to heal the chakras, aura, and energy channels. ☀️ As this course concludes, you will know how to give a healing on any topic, question, or area of life where one needs it the most. When you complete this course, you can continue your training and master your skills by attending our Spiritual Healing Clinics for free as a healer anytime you wish. Prerequisite: EnergyWork© (formerly Meditation I). This class is fully in-person, with remote participation by request if needed. To receive a certificate you must participate in all 6 classes. Missed classes can be retaken at no extra charge during the next Healing I session. You can join the next classes (Healing II, Womens I, or Clairvoyant Program) with only 4 classes attended, but to receive a certificate you must be present at all 6 classes. This class can be paid weekly, or in full, for the weekly payments we are currently offering Paypal only as a payment method, if you would like to use a credit card, please contact us. For full payment, both options are available during checkout.

Contact Details

(775) 324-2872

Located inside of Crystal Cove Store 20 Hillcrest Drive, Reno, NV, USA

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