Discover Your Spiritual Journey
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The Reno Psychic Institute holds that each of us is a unique soul with our own information, path, and purpose and that spiritual freedom and communication are some of our most important values.
At the Reno Psychic Institute, we teach the tools to help you understand your own energy and the energy of the people around you so that you can navigate through life with less pain and a greater sense of your own spiritual autonomy.
Each class within the RPI curriculum is specifically designed to help you understand different aspects of yourself as a spiritual being.
Our Institute teaches that by healing ourselves, we also heal those around us, and by healing others, we heal ourselves.
The Reno Psychic Institute was founded by Teacher, Healer, and Clairvoyant, Laura Peppard in 1977.
RPI has been teaching Meditation, Energy Healing, and Clairvoyance in Reno ever since.
A true community resource for healing and spiritual information, RPI is open to all regardless of religion, age or spiritual training.
"With the help of the teachers at RPI, I discovered how to find answers to all of the questions I was never able to be certain on. In a short period of time I began feeling confident and assured about my personal success!" – Client
"These programs work wonders over counseling! I felt like an onion with layers being peeled off. I was able to release baggage from my past and even my skeptic daughter says, "Wow, Mom!" Everyone who knows me can see the difference in me. I have done 6 classes--it is amazing!" - RPI Student
"In the busy world we all live in, it is like a mini vacation to go to RPI. The people there are very open to their spirituality and there is absolutely no pretense involved. The classes will immediately improve your life."
- Lujean W.
"The reassurance of one's own divinity is worth the six weeks course (Energy Work), and I could never put a value on the skills I gained."
- Jon G.
"This class was amazing. I thought it was really interesting and I feel so much better physically because of it. I looked forward to the EnergyWork class every week!
- Kaitlin

Melissa V.
Student at RPI since 2008. An inspiring and sensitive teacher. She teaches EnergyWork and Clairvoyant Program. She enjoys meditating & healing others.

Laura Peppard
Founder and Director of the Reno Psychic Institute, Laura is the teacher for The Advanced Clairvoyant Program, Spiritual Teacher Program & Womens & Money Class.

Adam C.
Started as a student in 2019, Adam is now one of ours teachers and healers. He teaches EnergyWork Class & Healing I.