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Vendor Booth

& Advertising Information


Download the Spring 2020 Vendor Application

Download thExhibitor Rules and Regulations


The Spring 2020 Reno Spiritual Wellness Expo will be on March 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at the Reno Town Mall.


New Location: Reno Town Mall, 4001 Virginia Street, Reno, NV 89502


Booths are available down center and wings of the Mall. There are eight 10x10 booths and fifty-five 6x8 or 6x10 booths. They are available to vendors on a first-come basis.


We also have a set of advertising options for you to take advantage of.


To be a Vendor...


Step 1: Submit your application: Email your completed Spring 2020 Vendor Application to


Step 2: Add your vendor booth options and

additional options to your cart using the options menus

and checkout on PayPal. 


For more information, please contact us at:

Laura Peppard
President, Crystal Cove Int
(775) 324-2872

20 Hillcrest Drive,
Reno, NV 89509

RENO Psychic Fair 2019 Oct 2b.png

Booth Pricing


One table and two chairs are provided at no extra charge. Additional tables are $15 each and additional chairs are $5 each.


A 50% deposit is required to reserve space. Balance is due by 14 days prior to fair date or in cash at Expo set-up.



For cancellations 15 days prior to show, 80% of fee may be credited to any future show.


If you do not have a current City of Reno Business License, you will have to purchase a Temporary City of Reno Business License which is a $15 fee.


Reader / Vendor Booth — 6'x6'


One card table or small table, not provided. Vendor and/or Reading.​

$250- Purchase a Standard Vendor Booth


Vendor Booth — 6'x10'


One 8' table provided. Vendor and/or Reading.


$325 - Purchase a Shared Vendor Booth


Large Vendor Booth — 10'x10'


One 8' table provided. Plus space for extra small table or display.


$425- Purchase a Large Vendor Booth



Extra Tables/Extra Chairs


Need more tables or chairs? Add additional items to your Cart!


$15 — Extra Table


$5 — Extra Chair



Temporary City of Reno Business License


If you do not have a current City of Reno Business License, you will have to purchase a Temporary City of Reno Business License.


$15 - Purchase a Temporary City of Reno Business License




Be a Workshop Presenter!


Have a workshop you'd like to present at the Reno Spiritual Wellness Expo? Let us know!


We have a limited number of presenter spots available. Workshops must last either 25 minutes or 55 minutes. We ask that the workshops be in-depth and informational or experiential.


Please note that workshops are NOT to be a forum for advertising presentations!


Promote Your Presentation


We will showcase your presentation in emails, Facebook, and Expo literature.


$30 - Purchase Promotion for your Presentation


Advertise with us!


Get your name and logo on our Expo website, our newsletters, and on the Expo materials.


One Page Feature in Expo Emails


We have an extensive email list.


$200 - Purchase One Page Feature Promotion


Facebook and Email Promotion


Facebook and Email Promotion for several weeks before the Expo. Your paragraph of information and picture will be promoted and boosted on Facebook and included in emails.


$125 - Purchase Facebook Promotion


Promotional Literature


Your Picture and Caption on Promotional Literature given to attendees at the entrance in our Welcome Bags (1000 pieces).


$55 - Expo Vendor


$85 - Non Expo Vendor              


Website Sponsorship Logo and Link


Put your Picture or Logo with a link to your Website or Facebook page on the Sponsor Page of the Expo website.

Purchase a Website Sponsorship:


$85 — One Year


$200 — Three Years                        



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