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CIC Saturday Aura/Chakra Healing

Suggested donation - Walk-ins welcome

Upcoming Sessions

Duration Varies
Carson City Intuitive Center - 1800 E. William St. #202 - Upstairs


A spiritual healing is a change, a shift, a transformation of your energy. In essence, when you make a spiritual change within, your external earthly reality adjusts, integrates, and manifests those changes. To raise your vibration from a low tone of apathy to a high tone of enthusiasm is healing. To raise your vibration from a low tone of poverty to a high tone of abundance is healing. To raise your vibration from a low tone of confusion to a high tone of enlightenment is healing. These are but a few examples of the types of changes that can occur when one gets healing in our Spiritual Healing Clinic. These healings clear, rebalance, and adjust your chakras, aura, energy channels, and cellular body. Your chakras are the sensors of your spirit, processing survival, emotions, empowerment, affinity, communication, awareness, and knowingness; a healing to your chakras clears the blockages affecting your ability to process the aforementioned. Your aura is an energy field around your body that contains all the information you are using to create your reality, provisions needed for the body, how you process emotion, expression of power and successes, concepts of self and image, creativity and communication skills, psychic abilities, and connection to the divine; a healing to the aura brings balance to the above-mentioned. Each healing takes around 10/15 minutes/person. EnergyWork is a non-intrusive treatment that can be performed over clothes, with no touching required. Walk-ins are welcome!

Contact Details

(775) 324-2872

501 Casazza Drive, Reno, NV, USA

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