Since the time that I was first aware of myself in this body, as a child, I have been directed from within to lead an invincible search for the cause behind the obvious. I did not know then as I know now, that I recognized Spirit. What I sensed was beyond the manifested physical world around me. Greater than this shell of true reality, the world of Spirit is of indescribable beauty and inner meaning. Connecting with this world overwhelms me and answers my longing for what is somehow known or at least hoped to be possible. For many years, I lived with a cloud of invalidation around me. Disapproval was subtly and sometimes forcefully frowned upon me. I was excluded from certain groups and it seemed as if others were uncomfortable around me. “Didn’t I know that you were to see only the outer lie, the valance that was supposed to be seen?” hung silently in the air around me in many situations, at public school, around relatives. This experience, which seemed to go on forever, finally changed. As my spiritual path opened up before me, I began to meet people who validated what I saw and knew. Teachers crossed my path and I met the friends I had always longed for, it all began to make sense. I was right, not wrong. I had experienced a Spirit-to-Spirit Hello! Validation creates certainty. What I did, read auras, was something, not nothing! It has been my greatest pleasure for the last 13 years to actively create a space where people can get that Spirit-to-Spirit Hello, the Reno Psychic Institute. That Hello saved me. It made “Being in my Body” shift to the correct perspective, a perspective that made sense. I was Spirit. I had a past and future beyond this body. I was more than my body with all its needs and wants. What I longed to create in my life was about more than just my body. Creating with Spirit is what works. Spirit can not be proven or recognized by one who has decided it is not real. The way this game works is that what you believe is what gets created. You are the creator, for better or worse, that is how you learn. If Spirit is not real, then Spirit is not real. You dis-create Spirit in your universe, which means you also dis-create yourself as Spirit. This is called atheist energy, or the belief that only what can be touched and perceived by the body is real. This perspective leads to a culture of materialism. You are nothing but your sensations and have no purpose except to fulfill them. Your body includes your brain and the intellectual self that gets programmed with what to believe and want. What is it like when a culture agrees on this picture?
You can not think yourself into knowing Spirit. Your intellect cannot discriminate. It can only measure better or worse for the body. Spirit is “unknown” to the body, which must be trained to get it. Wisdom is an ability of the Spirit. The world of Spirit is the bigger picture, the universe of your everlasting self. When you know Spirit you are gifted the joys of what is known as values in the world. Values such as friendship, enthusiasm, intuition, and compassion. You understand that what is good for others is also what is good for you. Spirit opens the door to understanding the mechanics of how things are. Spirit is about the cause of the effect. What is it like when a culture agrees on this perception?
Hello! I am Laura Peppard and I would like to invite you to join me as I explore the dynamics of you, a Spirit being in your body!
Laura Peppard is the founder and director of the Reno Psychic Institute. RPI offers Meditation, Energy Healing classes, a year-long Clairvoyant Program, and a Trancemedium Program. Come to RPI and receive an aura reading and healing. Or visit the drop-in energy healing clinic every Tuesday from 5-7pm. Is it time for you to experience a Spirit-to-Spirit Hello!
